Mar 20, 2011

Censored by Google Again

Once again one of my blog posts has been (hopefully temporarily) censored by Google. "Compassion Here and Justice There by Setting the Captives Free" was published over a half hour ago and is still not available if one searches by its title (above), "Cuba" or "Cuba Gross". I thought this only happened in Cuba, Venezuela, China and Islamic countries.


At 12:32 A.M. (3-21-2011) it was still being censored. It was published at 10:56 P.M. (3-20-2011).

UPDATE 12:45 A.M. (3-21-2011)

Nor can this post that you are now (unlikely, thanks to Google) reading be found in Google by searching for "Cuba", "Cuba Censorship" or "Exiled Cubans Censorship". It can be found by searching for "Invisible Cuba Censorship". So it can probably only be found if you know it exists, that is, by me or very close followers.

UPDATE 1:50 A.M.

One can now find "Compassion Here and Justice There by Setting the Captives Free" if one searches for its whole title, but who is going to do that not knowing it even exists?

UPDATE 11:27 A.M - MARCH 21, 2011

The censorship issue now appears to have been resolved but with unintended results. This post denouncing censorship can now be easily found by searching, for example, for "Cuba Gross". But it cannot be found by searching for "Google censorship", "Cuba censorship" or "Google Cuba Censorship" (first ten pages of any of the former).

The censored post denounced herein can now be more easily found, for example, by searching for "Cuba Gross Compassion", but not by "Cuba Gross" or "Cuba", which are the most likely ways someone would search for this topic.


Google, the Mainstream News Media, Blogs and Cuba : What I thought was not so crazy after all

Google Hides Abuses in Cuba (Again)